Friday, November 6, 2015

Pay it forward: Finding Success by Helping Others

In his article, Jeff Israel Nthiwa, a transformational life coach, writes: Whenever you design your strategic plans to make huge difference in many lives by your divine gifts, then you can transform your personal, financial, professional and spiritual life to next level.”
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Throughout history, from business and politics to sports and the arts, people with successful careers have all shared the experience of helping others. As leaders in their fields, part of their success comes from helping other people succeed.

In his book, “Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success,” management and psychology professor Adam Grant cites several studies on how helping others can yield long-term benefits to a person. From a relationship and motivation perspective, “givers” are proven to build deeper and broader connections with other people, helping them enrich the meaning and purpose of their lives. But beyond relationships and motivation, volunteerism also helps people acquire new knowledge and skills from their experience.

Think about it, at one point in a person’s life, he or she has become successful through the help of someone. And in the process, those who have helped others succeed are also helping others to achieve something in life.
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Remember, if you invest your time and effort in others, chances are, they also investing in you.

Robert Channing is a world-renowned psychic entertainer, mentalist, motivational speaker, and philanthropist, who has helped earn over $150 million for charities worldwide through his performances. Follow this Twitter account to learn more about his activities.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Spellbound: Three Unorthodox Types of Modern Visual Arts

Art is a continuously evolving aspect of life. The possibility of developing new art forms is immense and perhaps, endless. Painting and sculpture have been the mainstays of the industry but later developments, such as film and electronic music, have proven to be as important. These days, it is no longer surprising to witness unconventional art. Some are avant-garde, others are completely original. Regardless, they are all very impressive and deserve generous appreciation. Below are three relatively new art forms that will absolutely leave one in awe:

Speed painting. Speed painters, whether working on a digital or traditional platform, have to finish their project on a limited time. This makes this form of performance art intriguing and very exciting. The time constraint requires efficient rendering of form and detail, and painters have to demonstrate full mastery of whatever medium they use.

3-D street painting. Today’s sidewalk art displays are increasingly realistic. While this form of art has already existed for centuries, 3-D variants are relatively new. The use of 3-D techniques makes the works even more astonishing, and 3-D street artists worldwide are working hard to make this niche art more popular and accessible by hosting annual festivals.

Cassette Art. Perhaps, Erika Iris Simmons is the most well-known artist to use the now-obsolete audio cassette tapes in “sketching” pop icons such as John Lennon, Madonna, and Marilyn Monroe. Her portraits are renowned worldwide and have already received millions of views in the Web through photo-sharing sites.

For more spellbinding stories, masterpieces, and performances, visit acclaimed speed painter and entertainer Robert Channing’s official website.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

More Than Just an Outlet: Using Art and Entertainment for Charity

The world of the arts is colorful. And within this world are many artists, themselves colorful and interesting personalities, who use their talents to make a positive impact on others.

Jeff Hanson is one of these artists. Based in Overland Park, Kansas, Jeff is visually impaired from an optic nerve tumor caused by neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder. The tumor caused severe vision loss in 2005, but that didn’t stop him from creating wonderful artworks.

Despite his vision loss, Jeff has succeeded in making a name for himself as a painter, with about 1,400 paintings in his portfolio and patrons that include celebrities Elton John, Warren Buffett, and Susan Sarandon. This success enabled him to reach out to lots of people through philanthropy. At the young age of 21, he has already donated one million dollars to over 100 charities worldwide, including the Make-a-Wish Foundation and the Children’s Tumor Foundation.

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The same passion for philanthropy resonates within Robert Channing. Channing is a professional speed painter who performs for charitable events to help his clients raise money for their causes. A certified entertainer, he wows his audience as he creates astonishing glitter portraits of well-known personalities, rendered rapidly. At these events, his unique artworks are auctioned off. His talents have already helped raise $150 million for various charities in the United States.

Visit for more information about Robert Channing and his artworks.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The essential characteristics of a mentalist

Awe, wonder, excitement! All these are indicators that one has just witnessed something magical, something unbelievable, something that leaves the mind thinking about greater possibilities, something that would even become a conversation starter for weeks or so, as the mentalist does it again – engaging people with his performance and confidently encouraging his audience to believe what they just saw.

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Mentalism is a technique of decoding the inscrutable human mind to understand the unspoken. It refers to the reading of a person’s mind with one’s intuitive abilities. Although mind reading is deemed to be a rare skill because of its sophisticated and complex nature, masterful execution is possible through years of training and experience.

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In the performance and delivery of his piece, a mentalist stands out from his unique acts, serving as his distinct characteristic. Being consistently believable ensures the satisfaction of the audience from both the performance and the performer. In addition, the mentalist is can tailor his repertoire to his audience’s reactions, enthusiasm, and engagement. Specifically, the mentalist boosts his performance by:

1. Focusing on the audience and being captivating enough to hold their interest;

2. Invoking the power of persuasion, employing clarity, and engaging the audience;

3. Making the act personal and relevant, ensuring that the performance not only boggles the mind but touches the heart and soul, too; and

4. Sharing a magical moment with the crowd and suspending disbelief.

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It is the goal of a mentalist to create an experience that the audience remembers for a long time. Just as magicians undergo intense preparations for a compelling show, mentalists, too, spend years of training to understand fully the workings of the human mind.  

Robert Channing is a world-renowned psychic entertainer and mentalist. Check out this website for Mr. Channing shows and performances.