Tuesday, July 21, 2015

More Than Just an Outlet: Using Art and Entertainment for Charity

The world of the arts is colorful. And within this world are many artists, themselves colorful and interesting personalities, who use their talents to make a positive impact on others.

Jeff Hanson is one of these artists. Based in Overland Park, Kansas, Jeff is visually impaired from an optic nerve tumor caused by neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder. The tumor caused severe vision loss in 2005, but that didn’t stop him from creating wonderful artworks.

Despite his vision loss, Jeff has succeeded in making a name for himself as a painter, with about 1,400 paintings in his portfolio and patrons that include celebrities Elton John, Warren Buffett, and Susan Sarandon. This success enabled him to reach out to lots of people through philanthropy. At the young age of 21, he has already donated one million dollars to over 100 charities worldwide, including the Make-a-Wish Foundation and the Children’s Tumor Foundation.

 Image source: Tallyshed.com

The same passion for philanthropy resonates within Robert Channing. Channing is a professional speed painter who performs for charitable events to help his clients raise money for their causes. A certified entertainer, he wows his audience as he creates astonishing glitter portraits of well-known personalities, rendered rapidly. At these events, his unique artworks are auctioned off. His talents have already helped raise $150 million for various charities in the United States.

Visit ImaginationIntoArt.com for more information about Robert Channing and his artworks.