Friday, November 6, 2015

Pay it forward: Finding Success by Helping Others

In his article, Jeff Israel Nthiwa, a transformational life coach, writes: Whenever you design your strategic plans to make huge difference in many lives by your divine gifts, then you can transform your personal, financial, professional and spiritual life to next level.”
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Throughout history, from business and politics to sports and the arts, people with successful careers have all shared the experience of helping others. As leaders in their fields, part of their success comes from helping other people succeed.

In his book, “Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success,” management and psychology professor Adam Grant cites several studies on how helping others can yield long-term benefits to a person. From a relationship and motivation perspective, “givers” are proven to build deeper and broader connections with other people, helping them enrich the meaning and purpose of their lives. But beyond relationships and motivation, volunteerism also helps people acquire new knowledge and skills from their experience.

Think about it, at one point in a person’s life, he or she has become successful through the help of someone. And in the process, those who have helped others succeed are also helping others to achieve something in life.
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Remember, if you invest your time and effort in others, chances are, they also investing in you.

Robert Channing is a world-renowned psychic entertainer, mentalist, motivational speaker, and philanthropist, who has helped earn over $150 million for charities worldwide through his performances. Follow this Twitter account to learn more about his activities.