Monday, February 15, 2016

Visualizing and Actualizing Love

Visualization is a medically- and scientifically-proven mind exercise in achieving one's goals. Data gathered on Olympic athletes found that those who regularly practice visualization are more likely to bring home medals than their peers. These athletes were linked to instruments that measured muscle contractions and brain waves and found that the same muscles that fired during an actual event were being triggered in an experiment room. The difference (or lack thereof) was in the brain. Scientists postulated that the brain cannot tell the difference between what is physically real and what is not, so when the athletes imagined themselves doing their sport, the body was essentially doing the actions, even if they weren't actually performing.

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 There are many implications to this. Scientists began to suggest that visualization can go even further, that is can transcend physical and present circumstance to manifesting future events. An intriguing concept that was made was visualization's ability to actualize love. Would it be possible to manipulate energy and think one's self to love?

Some scientific studies suggest it is possible. Recent studies have suggested that the mental images and energies one constantly emits attract similar circumstances. In the same way that the brain cannot differentiate physical from mental, so too can the world not sense the difference between visualization and the actual. That said, scientists believe that if a person constantly sees the environment in a certain way (e.g. I am loved, I can love, I am receiving love, etc.), then situations will happen to perpetuate it. It is still not conclusively stated whether it is a mental perception that affects the outcome or whether outside forces influence how the person thinks. Regardless, data from these studies suggest that by visualizing being in love, feeling love increases the probability of attracting situations that will make that person continue feeling and sbeing loved.

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Robert Channing is a renowned motivational speaker who emphasizes the importance of the mind and the power of visualization. Live the life of your dreams by just a simple shift in thinking. Learn more by following this Twitter account.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Crowd Control: Becoming Charismatic on Stage

Most people don’t know that being charismatic can be learned. Stage presence can be improved and mastered. It’s not enough that a performer has the talent or the looks, what’s more important is the ability to make the audiences enjoy and stay for the rest of the show.

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To become more engaged with the audience requires an entertainer who is familiar enough with his or her routine. Interaction with the crowd may naturally happen to a performer who is already comfortable with what he or she is doing onstage. Observe glam rock stars from the ‘80s. They can do whatever they want while they’re belting out a difficult song because they’re already used to it. It’s easy to be more aware of the crowd when a performer is no longer worried about the program.

Another trick to improve stage presence is to relax. This may seem hard at first, but when an entertainer thinks about having fun, this will undoubtedly lead to feeling comfortable on stage. After long hours of practicing, it’s time to trust all that preparation and just enjoy the moment. Interact with the audiences. Laugh with them, take part in their sadness, do something they will remember. Having fun is contagious. Once the audience catches on that, the performance will stop being about the performer and more about them. After all the purpose of entertainment is to give the people a real good time.

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A world-renowned mentalist, psychic entertainer, performance speed painter, and motivational speaker, Robert Channing captivates audiences with his signature blend of the dramatic and upbeat program that has made him a live entertainment favorite. His repertoire includes ESP, outrageous stunts, and speed and glitter painting. For more information, visit this Facebook page.