Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Tips On How To Improve Stage Presence For Public Speakers

Performers need to have a good stage presence so they can engage their viewers during their performance. While having talent is essential for performers, having poor stage presence can turn off the audience. Below are some tips on how performers, particularly public speakers, can improve their stage presence.

Image source: theseptiengroup.com

Have time to practice

Allotting time for practice will not just make the performer confident, but it also allows them to make improvements to their performance. Public speakers can rehearse in front of their mirror and run through their speeches to avoid mess ups during the big performance. Aside from practicing vocal projection and memorizing lines, public speakers can also improve on their body language when on the stage.

Image source: thegreatcourses.com

Go for power dressing

First impressions last. And when audiences come to an event, they are not just looking to hear the speaker talk. Public speaking is a full sensory experience; that’s why one’s clothing matters, especially on stage. Public speakers who dress smart give the audience the impression that they are reliable. Women can wear makeup and heels, and men can put on their finest suit when asked to talk to a large crowd.

Keep the audience engaged

Public speakers can have better performances if they can relate to their audience. They can get the audience engaged by asking them to answer questions or by using “volunteers” in a certain situation. When the audience is connected to the speaker, they will have good recall of the speech.

Robert Channing is a world-renown mentalist and motivational speaker. Learn more about his professional work by visiting this LinkedIn page.