Thursday, July 7, 2016

Paint On! What it Takes to be a Speed Painter

Painting is hard enough. But speed painting is a whole different animal. Whether self-imposed or implemented by someone else, speed painters often work under pressure with a time limit bearing down on them. Once time’s up, whatever is on the canvass is considered the painting itself.

Conventional speed painting requires vision, mastery of the art, quick thinking and more often than not, mastery of digital tools. Many speed painters prefer to use digital tools over traditional paint so as to skip the time it takes for the painting to dry.

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Speed painting is a great way for budding graphic artists to practice with digital programs. It hones their skills making them faster and their work, cleaner. Many speed painters choose concept art over traditional art as models for speed painting.

Speed painting is a contest of skill more than anything else. Artists are trained not to overthink as they usually do. Speed painting requires much subjectivity and, the ability to interpret a subject and lay said subject out under time pressure.

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Today, speed painters have risen to the challenges of pop culture and have created innovative ways to express their art. Many artists have now gone beyond their day-to-day jobs and joined televised talent competitions, slowly but surely making speed painting a household name.

Robert Channing is a world-renowned entertainer and performance speed painter. He captivates audiences all over the world with his live performances. His repertoire includes ESP, outrageous stunts, and speed and glitter painting. Learn more about him and speed painting by visiting this website.

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