Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Visualization Power: How the Mind Pushes for Financial Success

Imagination is key to achieving goals. This sounds initially vague but studies have proven the power and importance of visualization.

As the name suggests, this is the practice of imagining a situation or event as currently happening in one’s mind. The image becomes more powerful when it is perceived as real.

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This takes some effort on the part of the individual; emotions should also be felt during the imagination process, which should be performed with childlike perseverance. Most adults fail in visualization because they are often embarrassed by the exercise; believing themselves too "old" to do such things.

It may come as a surprise then that many successful entrepreneurs constantly and continuously practice visualization. Many of them even admit that their ability to properly visualize is a crucial aspect of their success, a fact that various studies corroborate. Brain scans of successful entrepreneurs show that when they visualize, the areas of the brain linked to action-orientation are stimulated. The exact mechanisms are being studied but results prove that visualization pushes an individual to pursue their imagined picture.

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Most motivational speakers explain it through the concept of "The Secret" – the name derived from the book of the same title by Rhonda Byrne. The secret is: "whatever the mind can perceive, it can achieve." When people visualize – and when they add particularly strong, positive emotions – they somehow take the necessary steps to reach their goals.

As mentioned earlier, science has yet to publish the precise processes of this leap of imagination to outcome. Still, individuals are encouraged to continue to practice and hone their visualization skills.
Robert Channing helps people achieve their goals with his proven strategies as a motivational speaker. Learn more insights when you like this Facebook page.

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