Friday, September 23, 2016

Liven It Up! Keeping An Audience Interested Throughout a Conference

Sitting through a conference that's hours long and where the audience is fed with an overwhelming amount of information can be quite an ordeal, even for the participant eager to learn and listen to new knowledge. It is as much due courtesy for the speaker to make an effort to keep the session interesting as it is for a member of the audience to listen actively.

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One common advice by public speaking experts is to introduce segments in between modules that are meant to break the monotony. According to psychology professor Daniel Willingham, change grabs attention. This could mean changing the involvement of participants from being listeners to being the speaker through a Q&A or momentarily deviating from the topic for a lighter, more casual discussion.

Experts recommend that to engage audiences; conferences should be not only informational but also entertaining, similar to the logic of "edutainment" as a way to capture interest in educational media.

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Mentalist, psychic entertainer, and motivational speaker Robert Channing is renowned for his unbelievable stunts, ESP demonstrations, and speed painting live shows and has been invited as a guest performer on numerous TV shows and corporate and social events. Learn more about him by visiting this website.

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